

Septe Castle was built in the Medieval era and at that time it was a fortress where worked artisans and blacksmiths; here there lived a Guastaldo nominated by the King, a person who had to shield the so called "arimannie" ( a kind of territories).
In 1259 Lanciano was declared land grant by King Manfredi and it was awarded with the Castle.
The original building was destroyed and then rebuilt in many different occasions. Its ruins and the surrounding woods often were a shelter for bandits.

In 1623 the Castel was sold to private people and, in 1721 the Baroness Chiara De Osses, who had not children, left the Castle to some cousins by the Genoino family.

Before the Great War, the last aristocrat who lived in the Castle was the Count Antonio Genoino: a funny and elegant person, who was usual to organize unforgettable parties at the Castle.

Septe Castle has been witness of the last battle of the Winter Line in 1943, during the Second World War, when it was almost all destroyed.